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Reader's Theater Worksheets

The Frog Prince | Reader's Theater Script | Brothers Grimm

The Frog Prince | Reader's Theater Script | Brothers Grimm

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The Frog Prince Readers Theater Script engages students in an interactive story instead of reading a third person narrative. This activity helps improves reading fluency, speed, accuracy, and expression while developing listening and speaking skills as students actively practice expressive voice acting.

Script Summary:

In The Frog Prince, a Princess drops her golden ball into a spring. A friendly Frog offers to return it if she agrees to treat him like a companion. She hastily promises, grabs her ball, and runs away. Later, the Frog follows her to the palace, reminding her of the promise. Though disgusted, she must keep her word at her father the King’s insistence. She shares meals with the Frog and even places him on her pillow at night. On the third morning, the frog shape falls away, revealing a handsome Prince. He explains he was cursed by a fairy and freed by her keeping her promise. They marry with the blessing of his loyal servant Heinrich, and the Princess learns that honesty and kindness can break even the strangest curses.

Try this free Rapunzel script to make sure it will suit your classroom :) 

Save 50% and get the Brothers Grimm 10 Script Bundle here. 

Product Info:

An editable DOCX format (17 pages) which contains:

1) Teacher Tips & Answer Key

  • CCSS Alignment
  • Teacher Tips for use as both RT and Play/Skit
  • Answer Keys for Worksheet
  • Themes & Discussion Question Prompts

2) Readers Theater Script

  • ~7 Characters, 1600 words, 12 Scenes in 2 Acts

3) Script Worksheet

  • 10 Vocabulary Words
  • 10 Short-Answer Comprehension Questions: Comprehension and recall questions based solely on the script
  • Character Traits: Covers the main characters, students provide direct quotes from the script that demonstrate each character's traits
  • Story Plot Elements: Students identify which scenes demonstrate the Setting, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action and Conclusion.

Teaching Tips for Using the Script:

  • For digital classrooms, upload the DOCX Script and convert to Google docs
  • For More Students: Main character can be read by multiple students.
  • For Less Students: Minor characters can be read by just one student.
  • This script should take about ~25 minutes and an extra ~25 minutes for prep, discussion, and the worksheet.
  • Grade Level Note: This script targets grades 3 to 5 but depending on your classroom's reading level it may be suitable for grade levels 6~8 as well.
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