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Reader's Theater Worksheets

The Legend of Creation | Reader’s Theater Script | Egyptian Mythology

The Legend of Creation | Reader’s Theater Script | Egyptian Mythology

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The Legend of Creation Reader’s Theater Script of Egyptian Mythology explores how ancient Egyptians believed the world began. It features key gods such as Atum (the self-created god), Shu (air), Tefnut (moisture), Geb (earth), Nut (sky), and the later generation of Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys. Students will explore this age-old narrative, seeing how the Egyptians explained day and night, agriculture, storms, magic, and life’s fragile balance between birth and death. For more details see the full script summary below.

The resources consists of an editable DOCX file (16 pages) which contains:

1) Teacher Tips & Answer Key

  • CCSS Alignment
  • Teacher Tips for use as both RT and Play/Skit
  • Answer Keys for Worksheet
  • Themes & Discussion Question Prompts

2) Readers Theater Script

  • ~12 Characters, 2500 words

3) Script Worksheet

  • 10 Vocabulary Words
  • 10 Short-Answer Comprehension Questions: Comprehension and recall questions based solely on the script
  • Character Traits Chart - Students write 1 or 2 adjectives that describe the main characters in the script and support their answers with quotes from the script.

Teaching Tips for Using the Script:

  • For digital classrooms, upload the DOCX Script and convert to Google docs
  • For More Students: Main character can be read by multiple students.
  • For Less Students: Minor characters can be read by just one student.
  • This script should take about ~25 minutes and depending on your classroom's level it may be suitable for other grade levels.
  • An extra ~25 minutes for prep, discussion, vocabulary or short answer comprehension questions should also be planned.

Script Summary:

In this script, creation unfolds from the chaotic sea of Nun through the self-generated god Atum. He summons Shu (air) and Tefnut (moisture), who become lost in the depths of Nun but are rescued by Atum’s divine Eye. Their tears help form early humans. Shu and Tefnut bring forth Geb (earth) and Nut (sky), who are forced apart so that life can thrive between them. Eventually, Nut, despite Ra’s curse, bears five children—Osiris, Horus the Elder, Set, Isis, and Nephthys—during five extra days added to the calendar by Thoth’s clever gambit. Osiris dedicates himself to growth and harvest, while Isis practices powerful magic. Set, ever the desert storm, foreshadows conflict, and Nephthys watches over transitions between life and death. The script ends with the gods poised to shape the mortal world in both harmonious and tumultuous ways.

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