Products Included in This Bundle
The Legend of Creation | Reader’s Theater Script | Egyptian Mythology
The Tale of Two Brothers (Anubis & Bata) | Reader’s Theater Script | Egyptian Mythology
The Secret Name of Ra & Distant Goddess Tefnut | Reader’s Theater Script | Egyptian Mythology
The Legend of Osiris and Isis | Reader’s Theater Script | Egyptian Mythology
The Journey of Ra through the Underworld | Reader’s Theater Script | Egyptian Mythology
The Destruction of Mankind | Reader’s Theater Script | Egyptian Mythology
Osiris Judging the Dead | Reader’s Theater Script | Egyptian Mythology
Khnemu and the Seven Years’ Famine | Reader’s Theater Script | Egyptian Mythology
Horus and Set & The Winged Disk | Reader’s Theater Script | Egyptian Mythology
A Legend of Khensu Nefer-Hetep | Reader’s Theater Script | Egyptian Mythology